Best Butt Exercises

Everyone wants a tighter tush. Besides, those jeans with the lifting components cost extra money. Glutes are the largest muscle in the human body. Consisting of three parts; the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus. I’m not a huge fan of cardio, so I especially love these floor exercises. These 4 butt-lifting moves will have you turning heads in no time. Amp things up by using ankle weights to increase your results. You can also tuck a small weight or dumbbell behind your knee for bent leg exercises. I suggest starting with your own body weight then progress to 1-3lbs. A yoga mat is always helpful to give you a nice, comfortable foundation to workout. I dare you to invest in your derriere. These are some of the best butt exercises you can do.

But before we begin, I must advise you to warm up your muscles. We want to avoid injury. Shall I suggest jogging in place? Maybe you prefer to do some step-eps. Perhaps, a few side lunges? (You must excuse me, I’ve been watching Bridgerton. My inner voice picks up that British accent almost immediately. You, too?) Now, fair lady, I would like to propose doing an ab routine preliminary to your main objective. I find working out the core rather tedious. Thus, getting it out of the way altogether. Be done with it. It is rather gratifying to have succeeded in your triumph.

1. Kneeling leg-lift

Also known as donkey kicks. Engaging your core, get down on your knees and forearms, raise your right leg directly back and up, slowly. (You can reach out with the opposite arm to help brace yourself.) Squeeze at the top. Resist the weight and slowly lower your foot back to the starting position, again slow and controlled. These are great for really targeting the bum. The squeeze at the top is truly important. This is a basic butt lifting exercise that everyone can do. Complete 15 reps for 3 sets on each leg. Rest 30 seconds between sets. I like to channel some yoga and go into child’s pose. Adding bands is another way to increase intensity.

I suggest doing lower body workouts at least twice per week. There are just so many muscles to hit. Make sure to give your glutes the special attention they deserve. Besides, you’re going to love how you look in those shorts this summer!

2. Kneeling Cross Leg-Lift

This exercise is similar to the last. Slowly kick the right leg towards the sky. This time, when you lower, cross your right knee behind the left. Back up again, and straight down to starting position. Alternate, training both sides. Do 3 sets of 15. Adding a small weight behind the knee will really have you feeling it the next day. Weights will definitely increase the effects of these butt exercises.

Have you ever heard the saying “No pain, no gain.”? It has been said that delayed onset of muscle soreness is often used as a measure of the effectiveness of a workout. You should feel it approximately 40 hours after your session. That’s why it’s important to have a rest day. It is just as important to stretch after a workout. Without flexibility, the muscles shorten and become tight. Often leading to injury. Not only can stretching decrease muscle soreness but it will increase your range of motion.

3. Fire Hydrants

It really helps to have a soft yoga mat when doing floor exercises. You can check out my favorite mat here. I love this butt exercise. It really targets the glutes. The benefits of isolating muscles are amazing. Simply lift your leg out to the side, keep your leg bent at 90 degrees. Squeeze at the top and slowly lower. Do 3 sets of 15 and repeat on both sides. Just like your dog would do when he sees a fire hydrant, hence the name. Advance the movement by extending your bent leg just after the squeeze at the top. Retract and lower.

4. Rainbows

I saved the best for last. Rainbows are a great exercise for the glutes. Remain in a kneeling position but lift your leg high. Rainbows are just how they sound. Starting with the right leg slightly out to the right, keeping a straight leg, lift up and over in a semi-circular motion towards the left side. Lower down, then slowly up and over and around to the start position. Repeat 15 times on each leg for 3 sets. You will now feel like jello.

All of these movements should be performed slow and controlled. Never fast and jerky. Make sure not to over-extend your head or neck, keep in line with your spine. I hope you love these butt exercises. Don’t forget to stretch!

On days I am working out I like to take a supplement called Metaburn. MetaBurn is a revolutionary multi-action blend that helps boost metabolism. It also helps reduce stubborn fat from the hips, thighs, and waist. My favorite part is that it supports healthy energy and mood. No jitters, no crazy energy boost, just mild, natural energy. It includes seven botanical leaf, root, and seed extracts. And, Plexus MetaBurn is non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegetarian. Plus, you will notice sharper mental focus. Boom!

If you would like to connect with a personal trainer for more support with fitness and nutrition checkout Will has been a personal trainer for more than ten years. Fitness and nutrition are his true passion. Coming from a former client and a personal friend, Will can help you optimize your health. Online training available!