3 Easy Ways To Save Money

We all need to save more money. Think long-term like retirement, the kids’ college fund, and vacations. Some plans are foolproof. Some aren’t for everyone. I’m not always good at it, but I have picked up a few useful tips along the way. If I can do it, so can you. I’m sharing my top three secret tips for saving money starting today.

1 .Save On Groceries

Save Money On Groceries. I know. You’ve heard this before. Hear me out. I cut my grocery bill in half by shopping online. Yes, you heard me right, in half. Stores like to put enticing items at eye level. We are only human, right!? These items that you don’t need fill your grocery cart before you are even halfway through our list. IF, you remember your list! Shop online, my friends. There are no carrots (aka chocolates, chips, cookies, funions, whatever it is you crave) dangling in front of your face. It is so easy to stick to your list, and you can’t use the excuse you forgot it.

Save time. Time is one of our most precious assets. Why waste it! Filling your grocery cart online can cut your time spent going grocery shopping by more than 80 percent. Not to mention spending less money and sticking to your list. Schedule a quick and convenient pickup and put a smile on your face instead of facing crowds, lines, unwanted frustration, and an empty wallet.

2. Keep The Change

Keep The Change. Most banks have an option to round off every purchase and add the spare change to your savings account. It is so simple and easy to save money with this one little tip. It’s done for you automatically every time you use your debit card. You won’t even miss it. You can save hundreds of dollars per year with this one simple money-saving tip. In fact, last year I saved $534 using this one tip.

If you have a hard time saving money I think this is definitely a tool that would be helpful for you. You aren’t even thinking about it and the bank is doing all the work for you. It’s a no-brainer!

3. Sell Unwanted Things

Sell everything you don’t use. Yup, that’s right. Get rid of it. It’s time to purge. Look around. I bet you can see 3 items in plain view that either you don’t use it or you don’t love. You can save so much money by simply getting rid of things you don’t need. With technology these days it is so easy to find a platform to sell your items online. You can meet somewhere public and collect your cash. It’s that easy. Or, just have yourself a good old-fashioned garage sale!

These are just a few simple ideas to start saving money. They have worked for me. I hope they work for you! What are you going to do with all that extra money you are saving? I’m planning my next vacation!