Best Exercises For A Total Body Workout

You all know you want to look good this spring. That’s why I’m getting into this total body workout routine. I’ve been living in my yoga pants, and I know I’m not alone. Getting back into a routine is sometimes hard to do. That’s why I have some simple exercises you can do right at home! These will get you started and feeling good about yourself again. It’s time to put yourself first. Setting your alarm thirty minutes earlier will give you the time you need to get in a good workout. No excuses! These can all be done at home.

Add working out to your schedule. Put it on your calendar! These are 3 easy exercises that will engae almost all your muscles. If you are consistent, you can benefit by boosting your immunity and your bodies’ ability to attack bacteria. Exercising also triggers endorphins in the brain that improve your mood and help you get better sleep.

1. Push-ups

Push Ups, total body workout

Push-ups are an excellent exercise for engaging every muscle in your upper body. Simply raise and lower the body using your arms. Push-ups exercise the chest, back, triceps, biceps, deltoids, shoulders, and midsection. For beginners, I suggest starting on your knees or against the wall.

Start by tightening your core, pulling your belly-button to your spine. Place your hands on the floor slightly more than shoulder-width apart. While on your knees, slowly lower your body toward the floor as you inhale. Stop once your elbows reach ninety degrees. Exhale as you push yourself back to the starting position. Start with ten and slowly progress. Aim for 3 sets of 15 reps. You will be amazed by what you will be capable of! Adding push-ups to your total body workout routine is a no-brainer.

2. Walking Lunges

Walking Lunges, total body workout

It’s a love-hate relationship with lunges, but I know how powerful they are. Walking lunges are the best exercise. They hit all your lower body muscles. It’s a no-brainer to make time for this one! Your glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, back, and core muscles will thank you. Create yourself some space; fifteen to twenty feet. Holding your hands on your hips for balance, step forward, about two feet, sinking into your heal. Lower your body until your front leg forms a right angle. Push off of the rear foot to proceed forward. And so on.

To avoid injury, make sure your front knee stays aligned with your ankle. You also want to make sure your back knee does not touch the floor. Always keep your core engaged (suck your tummy in!). Take 6 steps, head back, and that counts as one wet. Shoot for 3 sets. You will be surprised how good you will feel after you accomplish a few of these babies! Lunges are a great exercise to add to your total body workout.

3. Planks

Plank, total body workout

Planks. Stop cringing. Not only does this move strengthen your entire core, but it improves balance and stability. I prefer the forearm plank. It is easier on my wrists. Aim for thirty seconds if it is your first time. Place your forearms parallel to the ground. Make sure your elbows are in line with your shoulders. Tuck your toes under and lift your knees, engaging your glutes. Don’t arch your back. Keep your spine aligned from head to toe. A core exercise like the plank uses your hips, back muscles, and pelvis, easing back pain and improving your posture. You will also be stretching your muscles, such as shoulders, arms, and legs, ultimately becoming more flexible.

With these three moves, you won’t need a gym nor equipment and you still get a total body workout. These are all things you can do in the comfort of your home. And you can start right now! You can do it. If you need new kix, Asics are my go-to and have been for some time. These tank tops I have in almost every color. I also found the perfect high-waisted yoga pant with pockets.

If you would like to connect with a personal trainer for more support with fitness and nutrition checkout Will has been a personal trainer for more than ten years. Fitness and nutrition are his true passion. Coming from a former client and a personal friend, Will can help you optimize your health. Online training available!