3 Smoothies You Will Love

Making a smoothie is a great way to get the nutrients our bodies need. It is also a great way to lose weight. Smoothies contain healthy ingredients such as spinach, kale, and other leafy greens, berries, and fruit of all kinds. Protein powder is another amazing ingredient to add to your concoction. They are a quick and easy breakfast and a great way to start the day. Below I have 3 smoothies you will love.

Why make smoothies a part of your morning routine? The many health benefits, of course! Protecting your heart is just one of the benefits of eating blueberries and strawberries. They are also high in Vitamin C and K, and antioxidants like beta-carotene. The magnesium and potassium that mangos have to offer may you keep healthy blood pressure levels. And everyone needs fiber to help keep them regular. Bananas contain antioxidants, fiber, and potassium. Peanut Butter not only adds flavor but is high in protein. Spinach has a boatload of healthy properties including acting as an anti-inflammatory and regulating blood pressure. Avocados do those wonderful things as well as protecting your heart. Pineapples also reduce inflammation and promote healthy digestion.

1. Blueberry Avocado Smoothie

This smoothie is full of good stuff and it still tastes great. You will need a cup of each: blueberries, leafy baby spinach, ice, and orange juice. Add to that half an avocado and a small banana. Blend well. Most of my ingredients I either buy frozen or prep into bags then freeze. In this case, you will want to make sure you are using a hefty duty blender like the Nutri Bullet. My tried and true, new and improved. I truly love this blender. Its older version was with me for 7 years before I decided to replace the ole girl. It was a hard pill to swallow but she needed to retire. You will need This healthy mix was recommended by my former personal trainer and still one of my favorites today.

choc pb smoothie

2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup

I like to use chocolate protein powder like Plexus Chocolate Whey Want to drop pounds, without sacrificing taste, convenience, or nutrition? It’s easier than ever, with Plexus. This whey gives you the fuel and nutrition you need to stay full, eat less, and lose weight. I always use a tablespoon of peanut butter in this one. Sometimes I will substitute the peanut butter for PB2, or PB2 Cocoa. PB2 has far less fat and calories than peanut butter. 85% less to be exact.

Don’t forget your banana and a cup of ice. More often than not, I will use a frozen banana and skip the ice. This is definitely one of my favorites smoothies because it tastes so great! Chocolate peanut butter cup yumminess, enough said!

3. Mango Pineapple Smoothie

Mangos are just so good for you and so full of flavor. I like to buy them frozen and prepared. Add a cup of mangos with half a cup of pineapple. I always sneak a kiwi fruit in for a collagen boost. Vanilla protein powder goes in this one. I recommend Plexus Lean Whey Vanilla. This is one of the best vanilla proteins because it contains 15 grams of muscle-maintaining whey protein, along with 23 bioavailable vitamins and minerals. Add in prebiotic fiber for gut health, essential amino acids, and dietary fiber, and you’ve got the ultimate healthy snack or meal replacement to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Reap all the benefits of what these ingredients have to offer. Eating cleaner and healthier will lead to a happier you. If you love this try our Energy Bites