20 Most Inspirational Books

Inspirational books help people in amazing ways. I know they have helped me time, and time again. They lift you up. They give you the motivation and encouragement you thought you didn’t have. Reading books like these can open you up to making decisions that will change your life for the good! Like Jamie Kern Lima says, “All you have to do is believe!”

Whether it be financial freedom you’re looking for or self-help. There are books on positive thinking and how to get organized. Whatever it may be, I have the 20 most inspirational books listed here:


1. Believe It – by Jamie Kern Lima. This is one of the most inspirational books I have read. It helps you to get over any hurdle holding you back. It discusses self-doubt and getting out of your own way to live your dreams to the fullest. Jamie’s personal story from rags to riches is truly inspiring!

2. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff – by Richard Carlson. “Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life” is where to start in the series. This inspirational book guides you to making small everyday changes to reduce stress and anxiety. It teaches small steps to success in order to achieve your goals.

3. The Big Picture – by Tony Horton. I really love this guy, he’s so down to Earth. Tony shares 11 laws to be successful in life. This straightforward, go-get-it attitude helps you identify your path and create it.

4. The Headspace Guide To Meditation & Mindfulness – by Andy Puddicombe. This former Buddhist monk gets you to realize all you need is 10 minutes per day to just be present. Be in the moment, slow down, and ultimately reduce stress.

5. Girl Wash Your Face – by Rachel Hollis. Do you ever feel like you’ve robbed yourself of your own joy and lack productivity? Rachel has some pretty practical strategies to get you out of your slump and become the confident person you were meant to be.

inspirational book

Financial Freedom

6. Think & Grow Rich – by Napoleon Hill. This is the Godfather of all inspirational books. These simple and effective techniques can lead you to true and lasting success. This book may truly change your life.

7. 9 Steps To Financial Freedom – by Suze Orman. This book teaches you to manage and control your money. You also gain self-worth and you can’t put a price on that.

8. The Latte Factor – by David Bach. A story of making ends meet and being inspired to reach beyond your wildest dreams. It will teach you small changes that make a big impact.

9. The Automatic Millionaire – by David Bach. Another best-seller giving you secrets to fulfilling your dreams and securing your future. Everything you need to know in this powerful little book.

10. Unshakeable – by Tony Robbins. One of the most powerful motivational speakers in the world brings you this step-by-step guide to securing your financial freedom. Learn from the best!

Positive Thinking

11. May Cause Miracles – by Gabrielle Bernstein. I absolutely love this book and the practices she teaches about positive thinking. This is an ultimate guided tour to breaking free from your rut.

12. The Universe Has Your Back – by Gabrielle Bernstein. Gabby is just the guru of happiness. She really knows how to set you free from your own confines and opens your mind to freedom and happiness.

13. The Secret – by Rhonda Byrne. The Godmother of positive thinking. I have been listening to these audiobooks for decades. Now we have the book and a movie! This is a must-read. I also suggest the audio cd version for your car.

14. You Are A Badass – by Jen Sincero. Talk about inspirational books. Jen explains how to stop doubting yourself and create a life that you will love. Advice, practices, and beliefs.

15. Mindset – by Carol S. Dweck, PH.D. In this brilliant book, a psychologist studies decades of research to bring you her groundbreaking ideas on how to grow and develop your mind. Transform your life and others around you with this expert advice.


16. Brain Rules – by John Medina. Read how sleep, stress, and exercise affect the brain. You will learn exactly how the brain works, all its functions, and how to get the most out of it.

17. Limitless – by Jim Kwik. Ahhh, Jim Kwik. Love this guy. From being challenged as a kid with learning disabilities to the best-selling author on how to reprogram your brain to do amazing things. Such a good read.

18. Eat That Frog – by Brian Tracy. This has to be one of the most well-known inspirational books as far as getting your act together. Stop procrastinating and get ‘er done!

19. The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People – by Stephen Covey. Love a good guided journal and self-help book? Look no further. Manage your time, stay organized, become motivated and develop high-performance habits.

20. Atomic Habits – by James Clear. It doesn’t get any clearer! Ha! Break bad habits and gain good ones. A proven system to take you to new heights.

Obviously, I’m addicted to reading uplifting books and always looking to improve myself and my habits. These books are all great. I’m also inspired by wine, lol. It’s nice to sit down with a great book and enjoy some homemade wine, as well. Check out some amazing brands at Nakedwines.com.